== INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING REDCAP == NOTE: These instructions assume that you already have a database server with MySQL (or MariaDB) and a web server with PHP installed. You will need to use a MySQL client (e.g., MySQl Workbench, MySQL command line, phpMyAdmin) to interface with the database server. For more details regarding technical aspects of the REDCap software and best practices for implementing REDCap, download the REDCap Technical Overview (PDF) at https://projectredcap.org/wp-content/resources/REDCapTechnicalOverview.pdf. 1.) In the installation package zip file, unzip its contents and copy the "redcap" folder from the zip file onto your web server at the file location that you wish to serve it from over the web (i.e., anywhere under your web root). 2.) Now that the "redcap" folder is on your web server, try to access the REDCap Install Module from a web browser by pointing your browser to the "install.php" page inside the "redcap" folder (e.g. https://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/apps/redcap/install.php). Once you have loaded the REDCap installation page in your web browser, it will provide you with the rest of the instructions you will need for completing the installation of REDCap. ENJOY!